Deep & Meaningless Some lame people made the official video un-embed-able.
I, I don't know why I miss you so much Yeah I, I don't know why I still feel your touch You, you left me feeling high and dry With nothing, nothing but the queston why
Yeah you, I guess you had another direction And leaving me with nothing but a dead connection
Chorus: If you call me today I'll say that I'm fine But I bet you can tell by the tone of my voice It's just a lie You knew what you had You still walked away leaving me in this mess My love for you is deep and meaningless
You, you knew what you were doing to me And I, I guess I was too blind to see Well you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so bad But I'd do it again to relive what we had (Damn that's sad)
There are many things left to remind me Of a love that I just can't leave behind me
¶ 22:540 Comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Original :
Avril :
New Found Glory :
One great song, 3 great performances. Remains as my all-time fav song :D
And so I finally, finally, cleared my desk.
Got rid of the
plastic bags,
Yay, and I'm all tired even before I started studying ! :D How nice is that?
Caught The Dark Knight. Woot woot very nice, nice acting, nice visuals, nice nice.
And to the late Heath Ledger, this had to be his best role played ever. He totally brought out the side of the psychopathic, ruthless villain of Gotham city we all had wanted to see.
Not the Jack Nicholson-ish colourful Joker.
Kudos, and rest in peace.
Watch it please, gotta be the best superhero film I've caught in a long time since Spiderman 2. (Didn't really like 3 ><) And wooooooooooooooo it's getting near to exams. But again, Why so serious? >:)
¶ 20:290 Comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, or boredom.
Yawning's cool. It's contagious, you get it when you see people yawning, or even when you're reading or thinking about it. You most probably have yawned while reading this. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn
And so my drive only lasted 2days, and I'm back to my non-studying (aka normal) self again.
School has been really grueling and exhausting these days. With lotsa lectures / revision lectures / time trials / past year questions But I'm really starting to get used to all these, and in fact I'm actually quite happy with this busy feeling. Makes me feel all occupied and all. Really trying to study hard past few days, as in really.
Hope one day I can turn back to look at the 4months of effort put in for my A's, and really smile instead of shaking my head in disappointment.
Nothing much happened the past few days except for school-home-study-sleep-wake up-school kinda cycle.
A miracle is a violation of normal laws of nature by some supernatural entity.
Ms WangSP was talking about her miraculous comeback from her prelims to her A's today On how she got something like a DEEFE kinda grade to a AAABB grade in A levels. And its all about the TREMENDOUS amount of effort put in, on how she did nothing but studying everyday, and how it almost drove her crazy. She had the push-factor of a need for a scholarship cus her family isn't that well-off, and cus of other family problems. And anyway I was sitting at a lecture seat with a cracked table, and when she reached her point on 'handling the stress', I leaned abit too forward and the table broke - - in the LT, with a freaking loud CRACK. and everyone was like WTF? HAHAHAHAHA I was just laughing, and raised up the cracked piece of the table. To think I was still seated at the 3rd row. she was like "If you're stressed you can break chairs and tables but please don't break it in school please >_>" And that become the joke for the rest of the day "Eh Harris you can tell your PE Teacher you dunnid to do conditioning le cus you can freaking break a table!"
Anyway back to the point, I may lack a true push-factor now, but when the time comes I think I'll regret it if I hadn't put in enough effort earlier. I can't see myself frantically studying for 1month, especially after receiving truly lousy grades for prelims, getting demoralized and all.
Tried really settling down, and focusing all my focus (sounded weird) on my work. But it just doesn't work? D: seems like I need lotsa practice, not practicing my work, but merely practicing sitting down at my desk. Oh wait my desk's covered with all the junk.
Just abit more than 100days left for Alevels.
¶ 20:050 Comments
Always thought I belonged to the average band, cus everyone in my class is like failing and I'm failing also. Mid years : S S U U U (wtf?) But I forgot the point that my class is like the lousiest in the cohort. People getting better grades than me are like the bottom3 in their classes. Whereas I'm like almost the top 8 or something. People getting 91% for math, practically A's and B's, and wtfuck I'm failing all.
I have 4months to decide what I become. Cus that's all left to my A's. These 4months will decide what I become in life, what my social status in the society will be, and how well my life is gonna be for the next 60years.
I've heard of my seniors getting UUU in prelims, and how hard they worked for 1month and they end up with an AABB. I can't help it but applaud their strong will, and perseverance. I'm trying to do this right, once and for all.
It's that damn hard to get into a damn uni. And even harder for a course of MY choice. I want to choose my own course, I don't want the freaking course to choose me. -------- Anyway went out with kokboonws ytd I went to sell my deathnotemanga to this weird guy yesterday. Had no complaints about meeting in Tampines, and didn't bother to check whether I dealed him the correct stuffs not. And didn't speak a word when we met. Lols he's weird.
And anyway walked around, wanted to play pool but no tables, then went SAFRA wanted to play bowling, but a tournament was going on so we couldn't really play. Then opted for the most enjoyable activity EAT. went 85 and had a feast. And saw junyuan with his sec2 mates. anyway we ate so much, so fast. and ended up so damn full. And talked and talked. then for some reason wanted a drink, then went 7-11 I thought the 2pokkabottles for $2 promotion thing was still on so i took 2 bottles to the counter. then the guy said "2 for $3.60, take 3 for $3 la!" Then dunno why i ended up buying 3 bottles and finishing them all.
and I agree with junhong that humans are nothing more than just animals. Or worse.
瘋狂世界 Very, very old song here :D Explains what I'm feeling right now lols. Gotten back almost every paper and as expected did not do quite well. Cus no effort was put into this mids I guess.
"3months to jump from a U grade to an A. Impossible? Nope. Just rather hard."
Reality is harsh. And when life throws you lemons, Squeeze them and enjoy your sugarcane drink with them. They make the sugarcane taste better.
Meeting up with kok boon ws tmr. Been some time since the 4of us met up together.
Doing Well
, relatively. Results are not what's important. They don't worry me as much as ______ They don't make me study for the exams as much as ______ They don't make me feel guilty for underachieving. The only worry now after Mids ---- MY MOM LOL - -
Damn. Sucks when you got a mom that doesn't compare grades relatively, that only compares with the tops, and complains why I can't be one of the tops (LOL)
Just a few more months to go, hang in there. It's all gonna be over soooooooooon
And sometimes people change so much that, when they meet on the road, they don't even say hi or bye and they EVEN try to avoid you maybe it's cause one's just shy since they haven't met in a long time, or that one is just trying to move along and forget these past stuff. Or that it's just too troublesome.
I'd take #3. But seems like kok took some other option! (?) hahahahahaha.
And I swear one day I'm gonna invent a machine that iron clothes when u just put them in. Like the sugarcane squeezing machine. Or the banmian making machine. I DO get bored of ironing.
¶ 22:010 Comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
It's barely a week now,
and people, we're supposed to start studying now. It's like on msn every now and then I would see a "eh i go study liao, "
Hope I'll tide over this tough period with mindless studying/revision and enough practice, and it'll all be over, graduating from 12 years of retarded studying (okay maybe the first 8 was fun I guess) Bolded HOPE cus I just now that I can't. Fell asleep just now just after 30mins of work D:
TPJC having prelims in just 5-6 weeks, makes me feel anxious for them (and a little for me mine's in 7-8 weeks lol) OH GOD DANG IT'S THE FREAKING PRELIMS AND IN A WHILE IT'S GONNA BE THE FREAKING ALEVELS.
sir, permission to fall out and report sick
¶ 21:411 Comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Stress is the consequence of the failure to adapt to change
Although the Mids have just ended, the pressure's piling again. With a new time-table that optimizes lesson time by decreasing the number of lectures, increasing number of tutorials and adding revision lessons/timetrials, it already shows that time is not on our side. Getting myself to start a daily revision/practice routine is kinda hard, but is as necessary. It's barely a few months left to the A's, and half the time to prelims. It's mindless studying now and I do not really understand what all this is for.
Spending 1/4 (or even 1/3) of our lives studying ensuring a good 3/4 remainder, seems rather logical. But in this un-utopian world, it's rather unfair. Studying and getting good grades do not assure you of a good place in the uni or a good job, and I really find it's all up to luck. I beg to differ with the line 'Doing well is by outdoing yourself' I do not believe that performing well has anything to do with yourself, but others. Outdoing others, to me is already a feat, and is considered as doing well. Ensuring a place in the uni does not lie in how well you do, but how poorly others do. Im the dependant factor now, not the independent. --------------------- On a lighter note, had a BBQ for jxwee's birthday at the condo beside PP which I still do not know how to pronounce. Cote da Zur . Anyway lotsa food, talk, and talk. And went LAN-ing with the guys till morning. And slept all day yesterday.
¶ 10:580 Comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Mids are well over now. Don't really remember much about the papers 'cept that they're badly flunked. Don't really wish to talk about 'em either.
So much time on my hands I've been flipping through newly-released albums. And oh boy, our (or maybe just mine) beloved Vanessa Hudgens. No it's not cus of the nude that i started fancying her lols. She looks different, and she really, really looks like. Like.. Janet Jackson (...) Oh my that's something bad D: What happened to THIS Hudgens? And not to mention her album still sounds like some Disney production lols. When'll the kiddy songs end lol.
And there's the MySpace/YouTube singers. Brilliant voices with nice self-written songs (unless cover-ed lols) Singing with such convictions. Check them out if you want. Miaarose / Get cape, wear cape, fly / Kate Nash